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Constitution (28th December 2022)

These Rules of the Club are made pursuant to Article 17 of the Club's Articles of Association. The terms used shall have the same meaning as in the Articles of Association. Where there is any inconsistency between these Rules and the Articles of Association, the provisions of the Articles of Association shall prevail.

1. The Committee
1.1 The Board has delegated the day to day running and operation of the Club to the committee set out below, subject always to the Committee’s activities being in line with the Club’s objects as set out in the Club’s Articles of Association.
1.2 The Committee shall be appointed annually as set out in section 3 below and shall consist of:-

1.2.1 President
1.2.2 Chairman
1.2.3 Vice Chairman
1.2.4 Secretary
1.2.5 Treasurer
1.2.6 Rugby Team Captains
1.2.7 Chair of the Junior Section
1.2.8 Up to ten (10) other members of the Club as proposed by either the

Members or the Committee.

1.3 The Committee shall have the power to delegate all or any of these duties to a
subcommittee of not less than three members, other than the powers to expel a
1.4 The provisions of section 2 below shall apply to proceedings of any subcommittee created by 1.3 above.
2. Proceedings of Committee Meetings
2.1 The Quorum for all Committee meetings is three.
2.2 Unless otherwise stated in these Rules or the Articles of Association, decisions of the Committee shall be by majority decision of those present.
2.3 The Committee shall meet a minimum of four times in each calendar year.
2.4 Committee meetings may be held in person or via electronic medium, including video conferencing, provided all committee members are able to communicate effectively (including voting).
2.5 Any Committee Member may call a meeting of the meeting of the Committee by giving notice to the Committee or by directing the Secretary to give such notice.
2.6 Notice of any meeting of the Committee must indicate
2.6.1 Its proposed date and time (being not sooner than 3 calendar days from
the date of the Notice);
2.6.2 Proposed location or method of meeting, if not in person.
2.7 Notice of a meeting of the Committee must be given to each committee member, but need not be in writing and may be delivered electronically, including via email or text, provided valid contact details are used.
3. Election of the Committee
3.1 The positions on the Committee set out above shall be elected each year at the
Club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).
3.2 Each member elected under 3.1 above shall serve on the Committee for 12
months, or until the next AGM, but will be eligible for re-election.
3.3 All nominations for positions on the Committee must be in the hands of the
secretary no later than 7 calendar days prior to the date of the AGM.
3.4 The Committee may appoint a member to join the committee mid year to fill any vacancy that arises, including any positions under 1.2.8 above.
3.5 Any person may be removed from the Committee at any time by either:-
3.5.1 A decision of not less than two thirds of the remaining Committee
Members; or
3.5.2 A decision of the members in General meeting.
4. Membership
4.1 Under the Articles, the Club consists of Voting Members and Non-Voting Members as set
out in sections 5 and 6 below.
4.2 Membership of the Club shall be open to the whole community without discrimination on
the grounds of ethnicity, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion or
5. Voting Members
The Voting Members shall be:
5.1 Playing Members: people who participate in playing rugby union (whether
competitively or not) for or at the Club and who are over 18 years old.
5.2 Student Members: people who participate in playing rugby union (whether
competitively or not) for or at the Club and who are over 18 years old and who
are in full time higher or further education.
5.3 Volunteer Members: coaches, volunteers and officials who regularly carry out
coaching or other meaningful duties as approved by the Committee and
furthering the objects of the Club.
5.4 Non Playing Members: people who support the club in a non playing capacity
who are over 18 years old.
5.5 Life Members: people granted life membership of the Club by the Committee as
a result of their significant contribution to or impact on the Club from time to
6. Non-Voting Members
The Non-Voting Members shall be:
6.1 Junior Members: people who participate in playing rugby union (whether
competitively or not) for or at the Club and who are under the age of 18.
6.2 Family Members: the parent(s) of Junior Members.
6.3 Social Members: people who do not participate in playing rugby union but are
supporters of the Club.
6.4 Vice Presidents: people who are former players, officials or volunteers of the
7. The Rugby Club
7.1 The Club shall operate under the name Leodiensian Rugby Union Football Club.
7.2 The primary colours of the club shall be dark blue and gold, with other strip colours used
from time to time at the Committee’s discretion.
7.3 The Club shall be affiliated to the Rugby Football Union and the Yorkshire Rugby Football
8. Junior Section
8.1 The Club shall operate a separate section for Junior Members, Family Members and
Volunteer Members, as applicable.
8.2 The Junior Section shall be operated by its own committee (“the Junior Committee”) as
elected by its members from time to time.
8.3 The Junior Committee shall ensure the Junior Section operates in accordance with the RFU
age grade and safeguarding regulations in force from time to time.
9. Facilities
9.1 The Committee has delegated the day to day upkeep, maintenance and running of the
clubhouse, the clubhouse bar, the grounds and pitches (excluding cricket pitch) and related
matters to the Facilities Committee, which shall comprise the following persons:-
9.1.1 Chairman
9.1.2 Vice Chairman
9.1.3 President
9.1.4 Secretary
9.1.5 Treasurer
9.1.6 Bar Manager / Club Steward
9.1.7 Groundsman
9.1.8 2 representatives from the Junior Section
9.1.9 2 representatives from Leodiensian Cricket Club
9.2 The Committee may expand the membership of the Facilities Committee by inviting
representatives (in a voting or non voting capacity, as it deems appropriate) from any other
sports club or entity that has entered into an agreement with the Club for the use of the
Grounds and/or the Clubhouse.
9.3 The Facilities Committee is responsible for ensuring the Club complies with all relevant
alcohol licensing requirements and regulations.
10. Rights and Privileges of Members
10.1 Voting Members are entitled (under the Articles of Association) to receive notice of, attend
and vote at general meetings of the Club (either in person or through his proxy), propose
and second candidates for election, receive all Club publications and to such other
membership rights as the Club in general meeting shall from time to time determine.
10.2 Non-Voting Members are entitled to receive all Club publications and such other
membership rights as the Club in general meeting shall from time to time determine. They
are not entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote at general meetings of the Club or
propose and second candidates for election.
10.3 All members are entitled to access to use of the Club Grounds and Facilities.
11. Becoming and Ceasing to be a Member
11.1 In accordance with the Articles of Association, no person shall become a member of the
Club unless:
11.1.1 that person has completed an application for membership in a form approved
by the Committee or the Junior Committee, as applicable, and which may be
in written or electronic form;
11.1.2 the Committee or Junior Committee, as applicable, has approved the
11.1.3 in respect of Volunteer Members, the Committee has approved the relevant
member’s volunteer status.
11.2 For the avoidance of doubt membership is open to all without discrimination and may only
be refused where admission to membership would be contrary to the best interests of the
sport or the good conduct and interests of the Club and no person shall be denied
membership of the Club on the grounds of race, ethnic origin, creed, colour, age, disability,
sex, occupation, sexual orientation, religion, political or other beliefs. A person may appeal
against such decision by notifying the Committee who shall put the matter to a general
meeting for it to be decided by a majority vote of the members present and voting at such
11.3 For the purposes of registration the number of members is declared to be unlimited.
11.4 A person shall not be entitled to any privileges of the Club until two days have passed since
his application for membership was submitted, whether or not he is admitted as a member
before those two days have lapsed.
11.5 The Committee may from time to time and for such period as it decides allow affiliates of
the Club to enjoy some or all of the benefits of the Club that members of the Club enjoy
except that such:
11.5.1 affiliates shall have no voting rights under these Rules or in relation to the Club;
11.5.2 affiliates will be subject to such terms that the Board shall decide; and
11.5.3 affiliation shall meet the requirements of section 62-66 of the Licensing Act 2003.
12. Conditions of Membership
12.1 All members shall be bound by and subject the Club’s Articles and these Rules and shall
respect the rules of the game of rugby union as set from time to time by the IRB.
12.2 A member may withdraw from membership of the Club by giving seven clear days' notice
to the Club in writing.
12.3 A membership terminates automatically when that person dies or ceases to exist or on the
failure of the member to comply or to continue to comply with any condition of
membership set out in these Articles or the Rules.
12.4 Membership is not transferable.
12.5 Any person ceasing to be a member forfeits all rights in relation to and claims upon the
Club, its property and its funds and has no right to the return of any part of his
subscription. The Board may refund an appropriate part of a resigning member's
subscription if it considers it appropriate taking account of all the circumstances.
13. Subscriptions
13.1 The annual membership fee for each category of member in section 5, 6.3 and 6.4 above
shall be set annually by the Committee and communicated to the membership no later
than 31st August in each year or at the AGM, if earlier.
13.2 The annual membership fee for each category of member in sections 6.1 and 6.2 above
shall be set annually by the Junior Committee and communicated to the membership no
later than 31st August in each year or at the AGM, if earlier.
13.3 70% of the annual subscriptions received from Junior Members and Family Members shall
be provided to the Club to contribute towards the overall costs of the general running and
upkeep of the Club’s facilities and the Ground.
13.4 The subscription year shall be from 1
st September to 31st August inclusive in each year.
13.5 The Committee may, at its discretion, elect to charge Members admitted at any time
during the year to pay only such proportion of the annual subscription as apportioned to
represent the number of full months remaining in the subscription year.
13.6 The Committee has the discretion to introduce staged payments or reduced subscription
fees for any category of membership or for an individual member who is unable to afford
the full set membership fee as set out from time to time.
13.7 It is a condition of membership that subscriptions fees shall be a debt due to the club.
14. Resignation of Members
14.1 Resignation from membership shall be sent in writing to the Secretary at any point during
the year and any member not having sent his resignation before 1st September each year
shall be deemed a member for the ensuing year and shall be liable for annual subscriptions
14.2 In the event that a member resigns their membership mid year, the Committee has the
discretion to reimburse all, some or none of the subscription fee as it deems appropriate.
15. Expulsion of Members
15.1 The Board has delegated the powers set out in Article 23 to the Committee, and the
Committee shall not delegate such powers to any sub-committee.
15.2 In the event that a member's membership is terminated for any reason, no refund of a
subscription or entrance fee shall be payable unless the Committee decides otherwise.
16. Members’ Guests
16.1 Any member may introduce guests to the Club, provided that no one whose application for
membership has been declined or who has been expelled from the Club may be introduced
as a guest.
16.2 The members of the Old Leodiensian Cricket Club, their guests and all visiting opposition
players, supporters and officials shall be entitled to use the clubhouse, the bar, toilets and
changing rooms as required and shall do so as guests of the Committee.
16.3 Any player, coach or other official representative of a visiting club and any associated
match official or spectator attending the Club's premises who is not a member shall be
entitled to use the clubhouse, the bar, toilets and changing rooms as required and shall do
so as guests of the Committee.
17. Changes to the Rules
17.1 Any decision to amend the Rules must be made and approved by not less than two thirds
of the Voting Members present at a general meeting, including the Annual General
17.2 Any changes to the Rules must be communicated to the members within 7 days of any
amendment being approved under 17.1 above.
17.3 No changes to the Rules may be approved at any general meeting or annual general
meeting unless the proposed changes have been communicated to the Committee in
advance such that the proposed changes may be and are detailed in the Notice of the
relevant meeting.
18. Members’ Meetings
18.1 The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting every year between 1st May and 31st
18.2 In addition to the AGM in 18.1 above, the Club may hold general meetings if requested by
not less than 15 Voting Members stating their requirements and purpose of the meeting.
18.3 The Committee, on receiving a request as set out in 18.2 above, shall forthwith proceed to
convene a general meeting for a date not later than eight weeks after receipt of the
18.4 Any General Meeting (including the Annual General Meeting) shall be called by the Board
by providing at least 21 calendar days’ notice.
18.5 Any Notice calling an Annual General Meeting or other general meeting shall specify the
time and place of the meeting and the general nature of the business to be transacted.
18.6 The Quorum for any General Meeting, including the AGM, shall be six Voting Members.
19. Permitted Hours
The permitted hours for the supply of intoxicating liquor and provision of regulated
entertainment shall be as permitted by the Club's Club Premises Certificate or Premises
License, as is relevant from time to time.
20. Interpretation of the Rules
The interpretation of the Rules shall be the prerogative of the Board.